Jarrod Tapp

Jarrod Tapp

Workshop Foreman

Jarrod Tapp is one of the Workshop Foreman at Good Kitchens, where his mastery of craftsmanship shines through in every project he oversees.

With a career spanning years in the industry, Jarrod’s expertise is unmatched, and there isn’t a challenge he can’t tackle when it comes to cabinetry.

As Workshop Foreman, Jarrod is not only a leader but also a mentor, always willing to lend a helping hand and share his knowledge with younger apprentices. His calm demeanor and patient approach create a supportive learning environment, where the next generation of craftsmen can flourish under his guidance.

Jarrod’s reputation as a master craftsman precedes him, and his peers often look to him for guidance and inspiration. With a keen eye for design and a knack for problem-solving, he approaches each project with creativity and precision, turning even the most ambitious ideas into reality.